RNA_CSLIP_Desc = "Software SLIP e procedura di connessione di Accesso remoto"
RNA_CSLIP_Tip = "Consente di connettersi ad un provider Internet, a servizi in linea oppure ad un computer remoto tramite Accesso remoto. Supporta l'elaborazione di procedure automatiche."
SLIP_Desc = "SLIP: Connessione Unix"
CSLIP_Desc = "CSLIP: Connessione Unix con compressione dell'intestazione IP"
SLIPSetup_Desc = "SLIP_Setup"
CSLIPSetup_Desc = "CSLIP_Setup"
Apps_Desc = "Accessori"
Scripter_Desc = "Procedura di connessione di Accesso remoto"
MS = "Microsoft"
DSK_SLIP = "Resource Kit di Windows 95"
SCP_Desc = "Procedura di connessione di Accesso remoto"
; Directory names - note that that short versions must match the truncated
; 8 char names for the long versions, or else there will be problems!
; also need to put the short versions in the [DestinationDirs] section above
; Used by wordpad, hypertrm, backup, paint, & MSN
PROGRAMF = "Progra~1" ; first 6 chars of Program_Files, + "~1"
OEM_PROGRAMF = "Progra~1" ; first 6 chars of Program_Files, + "~1" - in OEM codepage (not Ansi)
ACCESSOR = "Access~1" ; first 6 chars of Accessories, + "~1"
OEM_ACCESSOR = "Access~1" ; first 6 chars of Accessories, + "~1" - in OEM codepage (not Ansi)